Mark: Closing Taiwan thoughts
My friend from Cleveland Via Taiwan, in Taiwan. It was awesome catching up with an old close friend in her original country. Love hearing her perspective after being in her country to three weeks. We leave Taiwan tomorrow and head towards Japan I'll close out: - Yes, they have a ton of food and eating healthy is not easy. - Loved the climbing gyms, wish we had made more of them and I hadn't lost my climbing shoes. - Very friendly and helpful people. - Pretty easy country to travel - One of the hardest parts for me is reading the news back home, just makes me sick. Alien landscape and alien life forms. Captain something grand, and shabbat at the gold mine. this is self explanatory. This was a big festival that went on for a month in various places. Again, lots of fireworks. The other is a Ferrari at a market, it just seemed out of place. This is the traditional garbage can eating etiquette. Hikes :...